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Three Advanced Tools for Every Recruitment Specialist

„TeamFill“ – dar vienas „must have“ įrankis personalo atrankos specialisto darbe.

„TeamFill“ - job interview platform

Recruitment specialists have a distinct job role: they use their personal skills, abilities, and intuition to find the best candidates for a company that matches its needs and culture. However, they have to deal with daily challenges, like keeping up with changes in the job market and business while staying competitive.

A high or low flow of candidates, lack of time, processing information overload, or inadequate data analysis are the main headaches of a recruitment specialist, which technology can help overcome. Technological tools are already transforming recruitment processes and ensuring greater efficiency in the rapidly evolving job market.

“Every business aims to work efficiently and solve the puzzle of achieving more with less. However, compared to the scale of global business, we are a small country, so we must be competitive – always be at the forefront of major companies and technologies. Improving the recruitment process and empowering technology for the benefit of the business can be the first and significant step towards success.”, says Antanas Giraitis, CEO of the recruitment company “AIDA Recruitment”.

Currently, three essential tools are widely applied to streamline the recruitment process without compromising its quality but taking it to a new level. For example, from paper resumes to video calls, from manual data collection to artificial intelligence processing and evaluation of information.

Automatic Job Posting with “GoHire”

There are about 20 paid and free job posting portals and special groups on social networks in Lithuania, where job ads are usually manually posted. However, suppose candidates are sought more broadly – for example, in Poland, Ireland, or Asia. In that case, it requires much more time to understand the specifics of recruitment in each country, specialized websites, or other job posting platforms.

Currently, the technological tool “GoHire” is rapidly gaining popularity, which solves this problem with just one click: by selecting the desired country, you get a database with all the job posting locations where you can automatically post job ads, see where this service is paid and where it is not. This tool is relevant for recruitment specialists planning the budget for position recruitment and saving time.

The value of such a tool for candidates is also self-evident. As more and more people explore opportunities to work abroad or spend winter in warmer climates, automatic job postings on a global scale open up new markets for applicants, giving them the chance to work from anywhere in the world.

Automated Messaging with “jobRely”

Many recruitment specialists claim that a personally written message to a potential candidate is much more effective and gets more responses. However, hiring speed and a solid pool of candidates become essential when fierce competition appears in the market for certain professionals, such as in the IT field.

Here comes the technological tool designed to streamline candidate generation on the social network “LinkedIn”. With “jobRely”, a project for the desired position is created on the platform, allowing recruiters to find and filter suitable specialists efficiently. Instead of manually crafting and sending messages, “jobRely” automates the initial contact with potential candidates through prepared messages. Later, the recruitment specialist can directly communicate with the interested candidates for additional information or inquiries. This tool saves time and resources and provides a significant competitive advantage.

“TeamFill” and “Calendly”

More and more companies are inviting candidates to conduct initial job interviews in video format, as it has much greater value than a paper CV. This method is especially relevant for companies that hire more than 50 employees annually. Therefore, the job interview platform “TeamFill” is another must-have tool for a recruitment specialist. Here, with the help of technology, the position is described, questions are created, and later, platform tools automatically send a generated link to the candidates. This way, primary information is efficiently collected, supplemented by a detailed analysis of the candidate's fit for the program's algorithms.

After selecting suitable candidates based on the initial video interview, they can be invited to a second, live interview, which can be organized with the help of “Calendly”. Although small, this application greatly facilitates the work of a recruitment specialist by avoiding unnecessary email exchanges regarding meeting times and instead allows sharing a link with possible day and hour intervals to reserve.

Automating recruitment helps optimize the recruitment process and manage candidate data and enables companies to streamline business processes and assess resource needs. We invite you to explore recruitment tools more carefully and discover how they can help recruitment specialists organize their work more effectively.

Visit the “TeamFill” job interview platform -


Contact us for further information:


Phone: +370 616 14979

Address: Naugarduko street 3, Vilnius, Lithuania


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