Know someone who fits one of our open positions perfectly?
Refer them and get a €250 bonus!
You must obtain the candidate's verbal consent before referring them.
The candidate must have never been contacted by us before or registered in our database.
The bonus will be paid only if the candidate is successfully hired and completes at least 3 months with the company.
If multiple people refer the same candidate, the bonus will go to the first person who made the referral.
Participants must be at least 18 years old.
There is no limit to the number of referrals you can make for different positions.

Know business leaders who need help with hiring?
Refer our recruitment agency and get a €300 bonus!
You must obtain the company's verbal consent before referring us to them.
The company must have never been contacted by us before.
The bonus will be paid only if we successfully fulfill their hiring request (find and help them hire at least one employee).
If multiple people refer the same company, the bonus will go to the first person who made the referral.
Participants must be at least 18 years old.